Pine Nuts 40g

Pine Nuts 40g
The seed is rich in oil and has a soft texture. It is commonly used in snacks and Pesto sauce, These nuts are actually the kernels which are released when pine seeds are cracked open, and each cone usually has numerous seeds. ,They are frequently added to meat, fish, salads and vegetable dishes or baked into bread.
NZ$ 9.99
NZ$ 6.99
SP-PineNuts 40g
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The seed is rich in oil and has a soft texture. It is commonly used in snacks and Pesto sauce. Store in a dry place (not the refrigerator). Unshelled pinenuts stay fresh longer than shelled ones.These nuts are actually the kernels which are released when pine seeds are cracked open, and each cone usually has numerous seeds. Different pine species have different sized seeds, different ease of cracking and different flavours  Pine nuts are very nutritious and have been an integral part of the native diet in many parts of the northern hemisphere,They are frequently added to meat, fish, salads and vegetable dishes or baked into bread.

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